Our Mission

Harvesting Wisdom Publishing exists to write and publish personal, professional and transformational development material that makes a deep and profound difference in people’s lives.





Content That Matters

At Harvesting Wisdom, we believe that no matter what you’ve experienced in life, no matter how difficult, traumatizing, or even heart breaking your challenges have been, you deserve to live a fulfilling life, and you deserve to be happy. We believe in the transformational potential of the human spirit, and aspire to create content that supports that possibility.

The Best Way To Predict Your Future Is To Create it!​​

meet the team

John Henry Parker

American Writer, Narrator / Team Communication Consultant

My credentials are my life experiences and the lessons learned on my hero’s journey so far. I consider myself a subject matter expert and researcher in the areas of trauma, depression, anxiety, and shame.

Teachers fall from the pedestals we put them on. I am not a teacher, nor am I here to lecture or tell you how to live your life because I am passionately inside the journey of life myself, stumbling through each day and being a flawed human.

Speaking of humans, I believe the human race is running dangerously low on humanity. The qualities that make us human are what I’m referring to, such as the ability to love, have compassion and empathy for one another, and the permission we give ourselves to share the creative genius pent up inside of us.

To this end, my purpose is to harvest and share the wisdom discovered from our individual and collective consciousness, experiences, and brain trust.

Giving back, paying it forward:

My passion for supporting and working with transitioning Veterans and their families is in memory of my son Danny Facto, who was killed in an excessive speed-related motorcycle accident after completing his military service. Danny was a Purple Heart Recipient and Combat Veteran of two tours in Afghanistan with the Army 10th Mountain Division. I am a former peacetime Marine, and my father was a former Marine, Korean War Combat Veteran, and Air Force Reconnaissance photographer in Vietnam.

How I pay the bills

I have been in the field of personal, professional, transformational, and leadership development for over 25 years and have worked with and for many authors and thought leaders such as Anthony Robbins, Tom Hopkins, Jim Rohn, Richard Miller, and many others. I am a behavioral assessment analyst and Team Communication Consultant focusing on individual and team performance analysis, conflict resolution, and organizational and cultural development. My consulting firm provides behavioral assessment certification training for leaders and coaches. I have authored and delivered sales, sales management, and mentoring training to Veteran’s organizations and to large and small client companies such as Siemens, GE, ConMed/Linvatec, and Management Recruiters International.


Yonel Dorelis

Actor & Narrator

Yonel “Yogi” Dorelis is a retired U.S. Air Force Major and combat rescue pilot. Born and raised in New York City. He spent 28 years in the military and had the unique distinction of serving in the Marine Corps, Navy, Army National Guard, and Air force. Originally a Naval Aviator, he has served as a helicopter pilot in the Army National guard and Air force as well. A combat veteran with multiple deployments to Afghanistan and Iraq, he has been awarded the Distinguished flying cross with valor, 5 Air Medals, and has flown over 150 combat sorties. Since retirement from the military, Yonel has worked as an exercise planner, developing personnel recovery training for the military and civilian agencies, an EMS helicopter pilot, and tour pilot, all while pursuing his next goal of writing and acting. Currently, Yonel lives in Las Vegas, Nevada and is working as an EMS helicopter pilot. He has been married to his wife, Karen for almost 29 years. They have two grown daughters, a granddaughter, a grandson, 4 Dogs. and 4 Cats

James Mihaley

Inspiration & Writing Coach

In memorial: 1962 – 2024

James Mihaley creates inspiring content across a broad spectrum of genres. He is an award winning children’s author published by Macmillan. His eco-novel, ‘You Can’t Have My Planet But Take My Brother,’ Please uses humor to empower children, instilling the belief that kids can have a gigantic impact on the environment. James is currently adapting his novel into a screenplay. As working screenwriter, he developed a project for Gale Ann Hurd, producer of ‘The Terminator’ and ‘The Walking Dead’. He also optioned a screenplay to Bryan Cranston, star of ‘Breaking Bad’. James made a breakthrough as an artist when he discovered that his strength was versatility. No longer fighting the urge to explore new art forms, he decided to embrace it. In the field of poetry, he published a collection of spiritual poems titled ‘The New Yogi Manifesto’. This led to a collaboration with acclaimed guitarist, Grecco Buratto, on a groundbreaking guided meditation set to music called ‘Traffic Jam Meditation’. The highly irreverent tone of TJM is designed to appeal to the 295 out of 300 people in this country who don’t have a regular meditation practice. Having grown up in Wisconsin, a bonafide cheesehead, James is determined to use laughter to bring the healing power of meditation to rural America and big cities, to red and blue states. James is a public speaker and spoken word artist. He teaches unique ‘Writing & Yoga’ workshops around the country. His specialty is helping inexperienced writers get jumpstarted. Through a more relaxed, non-competitive, yogic approach, he is committed to aiding people who have always aspired to write a book, to fulfill their lifelong dreams. He has a thriving literary coaching practice and now resides in Los Angeles and can be reached at jmihaley@yahoo.com. He enjoys football, dancing and rolling burritos on a food truck for the homeless. His father, James Senior, is an Korean War Air Force Veteran.


John McClain

Director & Sound Designer

John McClain is the owner of The Dog and Pony Show, a boutique audio company in Las Vegas, NV USA. John won a Grammy in 2001 for his work with the late, great George Carlin and his work with HBO on the series 24/7 brought his company a national Emmy in 2008. John’s father retired as a Colonel in the Marine Corps; he was awarded the Bronze Star in the battle for Hue City and later led development of the LAV. Colonel McClain died in 2012 from complications due to Agent Orange. When not working his audio mojo, John likes to ski the avalanche-prone back country of Utah, cook paella for his friends and spend time with his beautiful wife Dawn and amazing son Declan.

Monster Sound and Picture